Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Slippery Slope

I have a problem with closings and maybe that's why I wrote "break up" on my checklist.
Insensitive. Ya, I know. It was practical.
I'm not very versed in the language of love
But I'm pretty good at French.

I like love.
You could say that I like like love.
It makes me tingle. 
(That sounded weird)
In fact, I was thinking over the weekend and I'd be such a good boyfriend.

One day.
One day.
One day. 

(that was dramatic, which I wouldn't be if I was ur husband)

It appears that this is now a plea for marriage.
I am so sorry this is what happened.
It started off so good! I knew where it was going! I had dreams and plans for this.
But that's like love isnt it?
It starts off so good, you know where it's headed and all of the sudden it takes a weird and dramatic turn and then what the heck you're married and staring at each other in your honeymoon hotel room.
This is the end now.

Ya... I have a problem with closings.
But look how good I am with openings!



  1. Holy crap. That thing about slippery slopes is the funniest thing I've seen all day.
