Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Consternation of Occurance

Tonight my sister made some "Creamsickle Pudding" that she found on pinterest.
When she ladled the soupy mess out of the bowl, we laughed until we cried
Because sometimes things don't turn out to be the way we think they will.

We didn't plan our date that Saturday until an hour before.
It had the possibility of being scattered, rushed, and a complete disaster, but it was one of the most fun dates I've ever been on.
Because sometimes activities don't turn out to be the way we think they will.

When Nelson puts our names up on the board our eyes will first rush to see our own,
Then as we scan the screen and see who that was, we'll probably laugh, or gasp,
Because sometimes people don't turn out to be the way we think they will.

I'm laying on my death bed, surrounded by family or maybe I'm all alone.
My breathing becomes shallow, my mind flashes to when I met her-- unexpectedly.
I remember the vacation where everything went wrong, the job where I should have gotten a promotion but was fired instead, the people I met who shouldn't have stayed around so long but I am certainly glad they did.
Because sometimes life doesn't turn out the way we think it will.



  1. "thats ok." i think those two words gave me more chills than ive been feeling all day. and it was cold and rainy and windy today. great post.

  2. I really like how you just write about your life. It's what a blog should be.
